Clutter, lost items and general disarray seems to occur in almost every home. It seems we all at one point or another have an area that's total clutter, or we're always looking for items we've stored, and in general have problems with home organization. Whether it's the kid's room, the bedroom, the bathroom, the garage, or the workshop, almost everyone has an area that needs better organization. With a bit of planning and certain tools you can create great home organization that will work in any room of your home for as long as you need.
The first step of home organization is to de-clutter. This can be a total home weekend project, or you can take it room by room. The key is to clear the entire space, removing everything. The next step is to take each item piece by piece and put it into one of four sections: the trashcan, the put it away, the store it, or the donate it, or yard sale section. Once you've gone through every piece in the room, you're ready to begin to apply the home organization principles and get the room back in order.
For the items you've decided to donate or yard sale, remove them immediately from the room. If they're to be donated box, them up and put them in your vehicle. For yard sale items box and place in an area out of the living space i.e. basement, garage, or shed.
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Now all that's left should be the items you want to remain in the room you're working on. Before you being to put things away, evaluate the area. Do you have enough efficient storage space for all the items you have$%: For example, if you're in a bedroom investing in a closet storage system can help you maximize the closet space and keep everything in the closet within easy access. A shoe shelf is also great for keeping the floor area of the closet neatly organized.
For many of us phones, PDA,s MP 3 players, digital cameras, and other electronic devices have become part of daily life. One easy way to keep these devices charged and organized is a charging valet for electronic hand-held devices. Place it on your dresser and you can keep up to six hand-held items neatly stored, charged, and ready for use.
Good home organization is about keeping everything accessible, yet not always visible. Once you've completed the room, take the time to create a notebook to make notes of where the items you've removed are stored and what still remains in the room. Once you've completed every room using this method, you'll have a notebook with easy access to where everything in your home is located.
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