I'm a squirrel. Now I know that you are going to ask, "What is a squirrel"$%: Well, in the human species, that means someone that holds on to things longer than they should. I'm a perfect example. When you look at my closet, it seems that I should be opening a garment store. When you look at my jewelry armoire, it seems that I should be opening a jewelry store. But looks can be deceiving. Half of the clothes in the closet are either out of date or do not fit. They really need to be "weeded" out. The jewelry is another story, and one that I will go into in a moment.

A very wise woman (my mother) once told me that there are things that should never be tossed out of a ladies wardrobe:
1. Cardigan sweaters
2. Jewelry

My only wish is that I take her very good advise and discard the clothes that are no longer in style and don't fit. Of course that would be too simple for me. Every piece in that wardrobe has a special memory or is/was so flattering that I keep holding on - someday...it will come back into fashion. Won't it$%: Don't count on it. The most likely scenario is that the clothes will come back into style...in 35 to 50 years. By then you won't be wearing things that were designed for a much younger body. What a dilemma. A dilemma that could have been solved a long time ago, if only we had the fortitude to "weed" out that closet back when.

Some models

Use it for months so
In same hog

When is now. Now is the time to call a friend, call two friends, why not make it a fashion show party and invite all of your pals. The pals that will be brutally honest with you. The pals that will tell you which items are still flattering to you and are still either "in style" or are honestly "classic" clothes. Then make decisions, decide to discard the garments that no longer meet your current needs and keep the garments that you will wear and be proud to wear. Remember to keep all of those cardigan sweaters, the style cycle on cardigans is much shorter that on most other garments. The only time you should remove them is when they become shabby and are no longer in good condition. Once your decisions have been done, a wine and nibble party may commence. Have fun, don't have regrets. Perhaps the idea of a "fashion show party" will take hold and your friends will be hosting the next one.

Ah! Now to my favorite subject. Jewelry. Jewelry, really good jewelry, gold jewelry, silver jewelry, costume jewelry and fashion jewelry all have one thing in common. They were designed to adorn the body. Designs are sometimes trendy, and sometimes classic. Much of the gold and silver jewelry is classic, that means that it will never go out of style. Can you imagine a gold or platinum wedding and engagement set ever going out of style$%: No matter how it is designed it is classic in nature. Someone will find it appealing and wear it proudly. Never, never discard any jewelry. Even if it is trendy, jewelry will cycle through from trendy to out of style to trendy in a much shorter cycle than clothes. Jewelry does not take a lot of room to store, therefore, it makes sense to keep it and enjoy it whenever the fancy strikes you.

Keep your jewelry, never discard any. "Weed" out your closet, and enjoy the clothes and jewelry you have. I know I do, now that I've had my fashion show party. When are you having yours$%:

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